hey everyone! we wanted to let you know that we’ll be closed from JUNE 30 through JULY 7…
a little bit of vacation, a little bit of renovation, and a little bit of celebration!
we appreciate each of you and hope that you have a safe and happy holiday! we are so thankful for those that sacrificed to afford us the freedoms and independence we celebrate each day!
Wish I knew this before ordering a Liberty Safe
hey don! we appreciate your order and its being processed… it needed to be ordered from the factory & we’re already working on that! 🙂 and yes, while we’re not in the store this week, we’ve been busy with online orders (and processing them) additionally, we’ve been making some renovations and needed a few days for paint to dry.
you are not only “not forgotten”, your order is MUCH APPRECIATED! we look forward to touching base when it arrives! wishing you & your family a happy 4th! –hannah